What other blessing can I look forward to if I return to the Catholic Church? You can expect to obtain this blessing. You will be enabled to go back again to the heights of Calvary and to take your stand with your forefathers beneatho the Cross of Christ, side by side with Christ's own Mother Mary and the beloved Apostle John. In other words, you will be able agai to assist at the Holy Sarifice of the Mass.
Previously we have spoken of that moment in the Mass when the prist utters the words of consecration. At this moment throught the power God has given him, the bread and wine in the hands of the priest become the living Body and Blood of our Lord. This is the most essential part of the Mass. "For this is My Body," said Christ. The priest says the same. "For this is the chalice of My Blood, which shal be shed for you and for many unto the remission of sins," said Christ. The priest says the same. For Christ and the priest are performing the same function.

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